[Biostudent] Academic Services Closed June 10th

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jun 9 11:48:44 PDT 2022

Hi All,

We hope that you have had a good Spring Quarter to wrap-up a crazy academic
year. Take care all of you!

We will be closed Friday June 10th so that we can prep and attend to the
Biology Department Graduation Program.

We will be back at it on Monday June 13th and are here regular hours all

Janet J. Germeraad, M.Ed.
Director of Academic Services, University of Washington Department of

Advising Via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person advising only by appointment
until July 5, 2022.

DROP-In-ZOOM hours Available on the Biology web page:

318 Hitchcock Hall, Box 355320
Seattle, WA 98195-5320
206-543-6647, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Only

FAX 206-543-4649
Biology Department Web Page: <http://www.biology.washington.edu/>
Visit us on Facebook: <http://www.facebook.com/UWBiology>

Husky Health and Wellness Resources: <https://wellbeing.uw.edu/>

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