[Biostudent] Luce Scholars Program - open to students/alumni in all fields interested in gaining professional experience in Asia

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Jun 28 13:28:51 PDT 2022

The Luce Scholars Program <https://www.hluce.org/programs/luce-scholars/> ,
which provides recipients with stipends, language training and
individualized professional placement in Asia for 12 months, has made some
major changes to their eligibility criteria and application process, all
geared toward expanding access, which is great to see! Most notably, the
program will now consider applications from students in any field of study,
including Asian Studies (which had previously been excluded), and university
nomination is no longer required to apply.

Please share this updated information widely with students and alumni across
all majors and departments:

The new Luce Scholars Program
<https://www.hluce.org/programs/luce-scholars/> application is open now!
Deadline to apply is Oct. 1, 2022 for participation in 2023-24 program.

The Luce Scholars Program <https://www.hluce.org/programs/luce-scholars/>
provides stipends, language training and individualized professional
placement (basically an internship) in Asia for eighteen Americans each
year. Rising seniors, alumni, graduate and professional students interested
in gaining relevant professional experience in Asia for 12 months should
learn more and consider applying. This is a great opportunity for those with
little or no prior experience in Asian countries to add this valuable
perspective to their future career interests!


The intent of the program is to provide an in-depth experience in Asia to
young Americans who would not otherwise have the opportunity to immerse
themselves in the country where they are placed.

* Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
* Candidates may be graduating seniors, recent graduates, or young
professionals under the age of 32 OR, be no more than three years out from
receiving a bachelor's degree.
* Candidates who have majored in any field of study are now eligible
to apply (including students in Asian Studies, who had previously been
* Candidates who have spent 18 weeks or more (since beginning college)
in one of the countries where Luce Scholars can be placed are eligible to
apply to be placed in a country where they do not have significant

UW information session: Thursday, July 14, 5:30pm on Zoom. Register to
wVcpy> .

Luce Scholars Program Advisers at UW:

Although university nomination is no longer required for applicants, we're
here to support UW students and alumni in applying competitively for this
national program. Applicants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of
our advising resources for questions, brainstorming, feedback, interview
prep, etc. And join our UW Global Fellowships Prep group
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/global-fellowships-prep/> to access
additional resources, information and guidance:

UW Seattle graduate students or alumni - Michelle Sutton,
gradappt at uw.edu <mailto:gradappt at uw.edu>

UW Seattle undergraduate students or alumni - Robin Chang, robinc at uw.edu
<mailto:robinc at uw.edu>

UW Bothell students or alumni - Natalia Dyba, nataliak at uw.edu
<mailto:nataliak at uw.edu>

UW Tacoma students or alumni - Cindy Schaarschmidt, cs65 at uw.edu
<mailto:cs65 at uw.edu>

Learn more and apply at https://www.hluce.org/programs/luce-scholars/.

Program Overview:

Established in 1974, the Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive
fellowship that offers early-career leaders immersive, professional
experiences in Asia. The program aims to forge stronger relationships across
geographic borders by creating opportunities for young Americans to deepen
their ties and understanding of the countries, cultures, and people of Asia.

Professional placements are arranged for each Scholar based on their
individual interest, background, qualifications, and experience (please note
placements are experiential in nature, not credit-bearing opportunities for
academic study). Luce Scholars have backgrounds in any field, including but
hardly limited to medicine and public health, the arts, law, science,
environmental studies, international development, and journalism. Each
Scholar spends July and August studying the language of the placement
country, and the work assignments run for approximately ten months from
September until July of the following year.

Placements can be made in the following countries or regions in South, East
and Southeast Asia: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South
Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Timor Leste.

Examples of past placements:

* an architect's atelier in Tokyo;
* a public health program in Banda Aceh;
* a Gobi regional initiative in Ulaanbaatar;
* a dance theatre in Kuala Lumpur;
* an agricultural and environmental center in Hanoi;
* a human rights commission in Seoul;
* a pediatric hospital in Bangkok;
* a TV network in Beijing;
* a national museum in Siem Reap;
* an international arbitration centre in Singapore;
* English-language newspapers, local governmental agencies and NGOs in
diverse fields throughout East and Southeast Asia.

Examples of UW's recent Luce Scholars:

* 2017 MPA graduate Elena Swartz was selected for the 2017-18 grant
and spent last year in Nepal. Elena's focus in the Evans School was on
Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Management. Read more about Elena
<https://www.hluce.org/programs/luce-scholars/directory/elena-swartz/> .
* 2015 UW graduate Varsha Govindaraju was selected for the 2015-16
grant and spent her Luce year Cambodia. Read the UAA article about Varsha
indaraju-selected-for-prestigious-luce-scholarship/> and an update
discussing her year in Cambodia
<http://www.washington.edu/uaa/2018/04/03/my-luce-year-in-cambodia/> .

Thank you,



Pronouns: she/her

Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards
Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity

Box 352803
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 171, Seattle, WA 98195
206.543.2603 / <mailto:robinc at uw.edu> robinc at uw.edu /
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/> expd.uw.edu/scholarships

shington.edu/bookings/> Schedule an advising appointment with me

Where to find me:

M-Th in MGH 171 (in-person or online meetings available)

Friday working remotely (only online meetings available)

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