[Biostudent] SPR 2022 Students seeking C or W? A couple IWP Courses Still Open

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Mar 15 10:13:33 PDT 2022

Students are you looking for a "C" or "W" course in spring? The Interdisciplinary Writing Program (IWP) has a few composition courses with openings that may be of interest to your students:

ENGL 198 E/F/G is linked with Global Health 101/JSIS B 180/GEOG 180, and we are opening the writing course up to students who are either currently enrolled in the Global Health lecture, or who have taken it in a former quarter.

ENGL 298 B is linked with ANTH 213 - Anthropology of Sport. There are 8 slots left in the lecture, and they are reserved for students who commit to the writing link! This course may be of especial interest to student athletes.

Lastly, due to enrollment issues we are opening up Carrie Matthews's course, ENGL 298 A - Writing in the Social Sciences and Freedom Struggles, to all students. This course, about Japanese internment and incarceration in America, promises to be a fascinating course designed by one of our longtime faculty members.

Please spread the word and as always, I'm happy to answer questions. Happy spring to all of you!



Megan Callow

Associate Teaching Professor & Director, Interdisciplinary Writing Program

Department of English

University of Washington, Seattle

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