[Biostudent] UW Gospel Choir, MUSEN 100B

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Nov 3 16:19:48 PDT 2022

UW Gospel Choir, MUSEN 100B

Hello Advising Community!

If you have students who need a credit, or who love to sing, or who need
some balance in their schedule, we invite them to join:

UW's Gospel Choir <https://music.washington.edu/ensembles/gospel-choir> ,
under the direction of Phyllis Byrdwell
<https://music.washington.edu/people/phyllis-byrdwell> . No audition is
required! Just register, show up, and sing music from the African American
Gospel tradition. The course is 1 credit, and meets Monday evenings from
6:30-8:20. The course is graded C/NC, counts toward A&H requirements, and
can be repeated multiple times for credit-but more importantly, it provides
an experience of an important, influential musical style within a welcoming
community. No prior musical experience required or expected!

Gospel Choir: MUSEN 100 B SLN 17976

I know Winter quarter can be hard for a lot of students. Joining any of our
ensembles <https://music.washington.edu/ensembles> can be a great way for
students to form connections and community, which are so valuable during the
dark months of the year.



Leann Martin, M.A.

Assistant Director for Undergraduate Advising

PhD Candidate Music History

University of Washington School of Music

lwheless at uw.edu <mailto:lwheless at uw.edu>


For appointments, please email musicadv at uw.edu <mailto:musicadv at uw.edu>

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