[Biostudent] Pre-Med Resources + MCAT Course Raffle | AMSA UW

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Nov 7 10:07:14 PST 2022

Premed at UW? Interested in receiving a free MCAT prep course?

The American Medical Student Association Premedical Chapter Research
Committee invites you to participate in our survey to provide information on
how premedical students receive information about the medical school
application process and what resources students are currently using. The
committee hopes to use the data collected to better provide premedical
students with resources and to assist them in becoming a competitive medical
school applicant. Please note that this survey is completely anonymous.
Identifying information (e-mail addresses for distribution of compensation)
will not be linked to the responses gathered from your survey in any way and
will be kept confidential. If you have questions or concerns about how your
participation will be used for research purposes, please reach out to us at
amsauw at uw.edu. <mailto:amsauw at uw.edu>

The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete. Anyone who is 18
years or older and identifies as a premedical student is welcome to complete
the form! To complete the survey, please click here
Fxf0pHZuYwc-61W7q17qsHafIppwvixDgk1H3MIjyg$> .

As compensation for your time, you will receive a premedical resource
toolkit as well as entry into a raffle to win a Kaplan Test Prep MCAT Course
(approx. worth $2,000).

Thank you!


American Medical Student Association
4001 E Stevens Way NE
Seattle, WA 98195
<mailto:amsauw at uw.edu> amsauw at uw.edu

University of Washington

amsauw.com [amsauw.com]

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