[Biostudent] Getting involved in Research Panel, Thursday Nov 17, 5:00pm LSB 401

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Nov 15 09:36:42 PST 2022

Subject: Getting involved in Research Panel, Thursday Nov 17, 5:00pm LSB 401

Hi everyone!

TriBeta is hosting a How to Get Involved in Research panel this Thursday, November 17, from 5-6pm in LSB 401! Swing by to hear from our officers about their research, how they found their labs, and what they have learned throughout their time as research assistants. We represent a broad area of interests, from ecology and paleobiology to cancer and neurobiology! After the panel we will also have time for open Q&A, as well as time to talk to our individual panelists, and resources for finding research opportunities. If you can’t make it, we will also be recording this event, which will be available about a week later. We hope to see you there!


Your TriBeta Officers

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