[Biostudent] Please share: Dec 2 Climate Risk Talk

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Nov 28 15:38:53 PST 2022

Please share: Dec 2 Climate Risk Talk

Upcoming event to share with students + interested staff!

Are you interested in understanding the linkages between data, climate change, and investment? For everyone who wants to learn more about the intersections between business, policy, and sustainability, Foster Graduate Student Sam Shugart will present his work on Climate Investing on December 2 in Founders Hall* 170 4-5 p.m. Topics will include:

* Understanding how companies are responding to net zero

* Examining the interaction of physical climate risks, financial markets, and regulation

* Career opportunities related to climate change, ESG investing, and sustainable finance

The meeting will include an overview of a new Climate Risk Lab @ Foster that will provide research support to students from across the UW.

*Founders Hall is located near PACCAR and Dempsey Halls, formerly Mackenzie Hall

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