[Biostudent] ESS 103 with Provost Mark Richards

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Nov 29 11:05:28 PST 2022

ESS 103 with Provost Mark Richards

Please find attached a flyer to distribute virtually for an upcoming course,
ESS 103 "History and Evolution of the Earth", taught by Provost and ESS
Professor Mark Richards in Winter 2023. ESS has had printed a number of
physical copies of the flyer. If you are interested in 1 or more physical
copies to hang in your department/hall, please email Summer
<mailto:sacaton at uw.edu> sacaton at uw.edu and she can run some over to you!

ESS 103 History and Evolution of the Earth

Winter 2023, Tuesdays 2:00-3:30 PM, Smith Hall 120, 1 credit

Course Description: An exploration of the history and evolution of planet
Earth, from the Big Bang to recent climate change events, with an emphasis
on the many and disparate timescales over which important Earth processes
operate - planetary formation, plate tectonics, the evolution of life,
climate change, and sudden events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, meteor
impacts, and mass extinctions. The course will set the stage for
understanding the origins of the extraordinary geological features of the
Seattle area and the Pacific Northwest.

Thank you!


Summer Caton (she/her
qyCjxbjfd2WtmM0oxvOUK3kx7dJFcM$> )

Department of Earth and Space Sciences

University of Washington

[If you are receiving this email outside of your typical working hours, I
hope you feel no pressure to read or respond until your schedule and
workload permit.]

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