[Biostudent] UW Seattle Medical Lab Science BS Degree Info Sessions

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Oct 5 11:13:41 PDT 2022

Heather Eggleston, M.Ed. ~ I AM FIRST GEN

Manager of Academic Services
Dept. of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
https://dlmp.uw.edu/education/mls-undergrad | UW School of Medicine
1959 NE Pacific Street | NW120, Box 357110 | Seattle, WA 98195
206.598.2162 | auyong at uw.edu <mailto:auyong at uw.edu> | Pronouns: She, Her,
Hers - <https://registrar.washington.edu/students/pronouns/> Why do I state
my pronouns?

DLMP Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee Member

2022-2023 Medical Laboratory Science BS Degree Information Sessions via

10/4, 11/1, 12/6, 1/3, and 2/7 at 4:00 pm PST. Registration Link here:
A$> https://bit.ly/3Pn2O8r [bit.ly]

Current Schedule: Tu/Th/F Remote ~ M/W In Office

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