[Biostudent] Entrepreneurship Minor--Application Opens Today

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Oct 5 11:14:43 PDT 2022

Entrepreneurship Minor--Application Opens Today

Good Morning,

Please share with your students that the application
iculum/entrepreneurship-minor/> for the Entrepreneurship Minor is open and
will close on October 25th. The Entrepreneurship minor is open to all
non-business undergraduate students interested in leveraging their unique
talents, as well as their new-found business knowledge to achieve their
start-up goals.

Application requirements are:

* A declared major
* A minimum of 45 credits completed
* A minimum of 2.0 cumulative and pre-req GPA
* Pre-req courses: ECON 200 Microeconomics (5), ACCTG 215 Financial
Accounting (5) & ACCTG 225 Managerial Accounting (5) OR ACCTG 219 Essentials
of Accounting (4)
* Two essay questions
* Approval from major adviser: Students will need to submit the email
address of an assigned adviser from their major to confirm that the
entrepreneurship minor coursework will fit within their academic plan

If you have any questions, please email entremnr at uw.edu
<mailto:entremnr at uw.edu> .

culum/entrepreneurship-minor/> Entrepreneurship Minor
Michael G. Foster School of Business
University of Washington

Looking for other ways to get involved in entrepreneurship?

Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship

<mailto:uwbuerk at uw.edu> uwbuerk at uw.edu

<https://mailman11.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/entrepreneurship> Sign
up for the Buerk Center's Entrepreneurship Newsletter!

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