[Biostudent] Society for Ecological Restoration (SER-UW) and we are looking for volunteers

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 10 14:14:56 PDT 2022


We are the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER-UW) and we are looking for volunteers to help at our on campus work parties! A normal work party can look like pulling out harmful invasive species like English ivy or Himalayan blackberry, planting native PNW plants, or building trails and placing signs, all in green spaces on the UW Seattle campus. If you’re interested in hands-on work, like to be outside, or love plants and care about biodiversity in urban green spaces, this is the club for you! Joining is also incredibly low commitment, you can come to a work party just to try it out.

Email seruw at uw.edu <mailto:seruw at uw.edu> with any questions, sign up for work parties here [forms.gle] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/neADKbaK3M7hvgLd7__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gKDioZzb2B5gcnevmjksI2MHyMaPfeJslgpd-tlP6tfYcvM-LaJhwAmPPN4ehRiGAtNSHb4GFFBg$>, and see the attached flyer for more info! Hope to see you out there!
Society for Ecological Restoration-UW
https://sites.uw.edu/seruw <https://sites.uw.edu/seruw>
seruw at uw.edu <mailto:seruw at uw.edu>
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