[Biostudent] Ford Fellowships for Graduate Study: Fellow Panel, 10/26/22, 5:30-6:30 PM

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Oct 17 09:50:33 PDT 2022

Please join us and encourage undergraduate seniors and graduate students to
join us for our upcoming fellow panel on the Ford Foundation PhD and
Postdoctoral Fellowships. The link to register for the online session is
below in the announcement. Unfortunately Ford will be discontinuing the
fellowship after this year, [fordfoundation.org]
qtz5ppvH1mE5zuhznLJS0g$> so students should apply now if they are


Robyn Davis

Ford Foundation Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Fellowships: Information Session and
Fellow Panel

10/26/2022, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

The Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation's
university faculties by awarding
EPuxtNluOctp3S-wFo85b-Cqtz5ppvH1mE5zuhRE2s8y8$> predoctoral, dissertation,
and postdoctoral fellowships [sites.nationalacademies.org]. This session
will cover strategies for successful applications, and current and former
Ford fellows will share their application advice and experiences as Ford
fellows. Panelists include:

<https://socialwork.uw.edu/programs/phd/current-doctoral-students> Tess
Abrahamson-Richards, 2022 Ford Predoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. Student, Social

<https://com.uw.edu/people/faculty/ralina-joseph/> Dr. Ralina Joseph, 2009
Ford Postdoctoral Fellow, Professor of Communication, Associate Dean for
Equity and Justice in Graduate Programs, The Graduate School

<https://geography.washington.edu/people/olivia-orosco> Olivia Orosco, 2021
Ford Predoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. Student, Geography

85b-Cqtz5ppvH1mE5zuh8TKdge4$> Dr. Lil Pabon [linkedin.com] Ford Fellowship
Regional Liaison, 1993 Ford Predoctoral Fellow, Head of Research Operations
in Cell Therapy at Sana Biotechnology Inc.

<https://history.washington.edu/people/joshua-l-reid> Dr. Joshua Reid,
2005 Ford Predoctoral Fellow. 2008 Ford Dissertation Fellow, 2010 Ford
Postdoctoral Fellow, Associate Professor of American Indian Studies, John
Calhoun Smith Memorial Endowed Associate Professor of History

pnkaEPuxtNluOctp3S-wFo85b-Cqtz5ppvH1mE5zuhpWBzI2I$> Register to attend this
online session here > [washington.zoom.us]

Robyn Davis

Assistant Director, Office of Fellowships & Awards

The Graduate School, University of Washington

Communications 035A

Box 353770

Seattle, WA 98195-3770


Pronouns: She, Her

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

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