[Biostudent] ASUW Office of Student Health Relations Intern Hirings

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Oct 17 09:51:20 PDT 2022

ASUW Office of Student Health Relations Intern Hirings

I hope you all are doing well. I wanted to request to put the ASUW Office of
Student Health Relations (OSHR) intern application hirings on the listserv
emails, so more students are aware of these opportunities. In case it is
helpful, I have added a short description below that can be included in the
email to students.

"OSHR's goal is to promote and improve student health and wellness on campus
through partnerships with on-campus health organizations and health RSOs,
quarterly events, and legislative action. We are dedicated to advocating for
healthcare that is intersectional and diverse, with an emphasis on aiding
marginalized and vulnerable populations on and off-campus.

If you are interested in advocating for student health, apply to be an
intern! The link to the applications and descriptions of intern positions is
here: https://forms.gle/WCiYRaYQe2TEJiCD6 [forms.gle]

For any questions, reach out to asuwshc at uw.edu <mailto:asuwshc at uw.edu> ."

Thank you!


Sheharbano Jafry | Director of Office of Student Health Relations


Associated Students of the University of Washington

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