[Biostudent] TriBeta Tutoring Application

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Apr 4 11:56:37 PDT 2023

Subject: Want to share your biology knowledge? Apply to be a TriBeta Tutor!

Application link: https://forms.gle/Kj4Sn1BzKbH4bBpW9 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/Kj4Sn1BzKbH4bBpW9__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ny3VumDUjqSDR8TBkIMA3eTe04Ww9KJw7i-3sE6bpe9xgjkXwzxZ8umIqHF7Xvt-ZETuSjYnGpVxY9g$>

Tutoring Intro Biology students (180/200/220) with TriBeta is simple, fun, and gives you several benefits:

1) Teaching experience valued by med/grad schools and employers

2) Practice with communicating complex ideas to a diverse audience

3) Reinforcement of your own biology knowledge and critical thinking skills

4) A community with your fellow tutors and students

Whether you're interested in teaching, research, medicine, or any other career dealing with Biology, tutoring is an excellent way to get involved!


Tribeta Drop-in Tutor:

Students from all three intro bio courses need help understanding concepts and thinking critically. You get to be their guide. The typical responsibility is 2 hours per week, and we tutor for free.

Tutoring starts the second week of the term. Currently, tutors can choose to tutor online over Zoom or in-person at the HCK Study Lounge.

Tutoring will be offered 3:30-7:30PM (PST) Monday - Thursday.

All interested individuals must apply and be accepted to tutor.


Anyone who has completed the intro bio sequence (BIOL 180-220) is welcome to apply. Be aware the process is competitive. We take into account: grades, especially in BIOL 180-220; experience with and perspectives on tutoring; and upper level science coursework.

HOW TO APPLY: by 11:59 pm PST Friday, April 7th

1. Follow the link to the application: https://forms.gle/Kj4Sn1BzKbH4bBpW9 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/Kj4Sn1BzKbH4bBpW9__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ny3VumDUjqSDR8TBkIMA3eTe04Ww9KJw7i-3sE6bpe9xgjkXwzxZ8umIqHF7Xvt-ZETuSjYnGpVxY9g$>

2. Fully fill out the application and submit it.

If accepted, you will hear back soon after the application deadline, receive detailed instructions and a training date, and begin tutoring the third week of the quarter.

Please feel free to email us with any questions. Good luck!


Tutoring Coordinators

TriBeta Biology Honor Society

tribetatutoring at gmail.com <mailto:tribetatutoring at gmail.com>

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