[Biostudent] Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Apr 13 16:35:39 PDT 2023

Resilience and Compassion Seed Grant

Dear UW Community:

Applications are now open for the sixth annual Resilience and Compassion
Seed Grant cycle!

In partnership with the Campus Sustainability Fund, the Resilience Lab is
awarding seed grants that support efforts to promote resilience, compassion
and sustainability and to foster connection and community at the UW. These
grants, ranging from $500 to $5,000, support impactful activities, programs,
projects, and/or applied research.

The application period will close at the end of the day on April 30th. For
application materials, guidelines, and past project examples please visit
the <https://wellbeing.uw.edu/resilience-lab/seed-grants/> seed grant
webpage. If you have any questions, please contact uwrlcoordinator at uw.edu
<mailto:uwrlcoordinator at uw.edu> .

Please share this opportunity with your community! Students, staff, and
faculty from all three campuses are encouraged to apply.


The Resilience Lab Team

Program Manager, UW Resilience Lab

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Box 352800
274 G Mary Gates Hall/Seattle, WA 98195-2800
sasha9 at uw.edu <mailto:sasha9 at uw.edu> |

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