[Biostudent] Grey Matters is inviting as many students as possible to our Evening with Neuroscience event

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Apr 17 08:28:19 PDT 2023

I hope you’re doing well!

Grey Matters is inviting as many students as possible to our Evening with Neuroscience event in less than a month. Could you please pass the following message to your listserv?

Thank you,
Esha Patel
Marketing Officer
Grey Matters Journal

SUBJECT: You're invited to EWN 2023!

Hello everyone!

Grey Matters Journal is the University of Washington undergraduate neuroscience journal, working to make neuroscience education accessible to everyone.

Our annual event, An Evening With Neuroscience, is coming up soon! This year’s event will take place in Kane Hall Room 130, on Friday, May 5, from 6 - 9 PM. Come join us for an interactive evening filled with neuroscience art, neurotechnology, a brain dissection, an incredible panel of neuroscientists and clinicians to answer all your questions, a food truck, and lots of prizes! This event is free and open to everyone, regardless of background! To learn more about the event and to RSVP, visit our website <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://greymattersjournal.org/ewn/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gsl06a4yDJFbEcDfLGKafn7OlEaByqkgsty8M4OplMATVCRj_zjuK_QwCEWMvo8q8r4b09NGa1L-9b79XgWWoFjmFyw$>.

Can't wait to see you all there!

GMJ Team
Grey Matters Journal

at The University of Washington
https://greymattersjournal.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://greymattersjournal.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gsl06a4yDJFbEcDfLGKafn7OlEaByqkgsty8M4OplMATVCRj_zjuK_QwCEWMvo8q8r4b09NGa1L-9b79XgWWtsaOhZ0$>

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