[Biostudent] Evans School Event August 21

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Aug 15 10:50:37 PDT 2023

My name is Ben Asbury - the Recruiter and Admissions Manager for the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance here at the University of Washington.

I am writing to invite you to attend any of our upcoming in person or virtual events detailing successful application strategies to the Evans School's Master of Public Administration program.

On Monday August 21st from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in Parrington Hall, the admissions team will host an information session giving an overview of the school's history and culture, information about our curricula, and an outline of the application and admissions process.

On August 24th from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM the admissions team will host an Ask Evans Admissions webinar. There, you are invited to ask and get answers to any pressing questions you may have regarding the admissions process or specific components of your individual application.

If you would like to attend these or any other Evans School events please visit our website to register: https://evans.uw.edu/events/

If you would prefer to schedule a 1 on 1 conversation with me, please choose a time that works for you from my linked bookings calendar: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/EvansSchoolAdmissions1@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/s/VcoW8hSwX0iSK9PYZuVG4g2<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/EvansSchoolAdmissions1@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/s/VcoW8hSwX0iSK9PYZuVG4g2__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gLCWQc3YSyYFbnsTzg25n7TbJckk9C1dQpRB-oqqeMUvpzwDMlUe6jFJuWFAToKLqQuHFBxbPUon1MKzV_9yeZbb$>

I hope to see you soon! Thanks!

Ben Asbury (he/him)
Admissions & Recruiting Manager
Evans School of Public Policy & Governance I University of Washington
206.616.1609 I 140G Parrington Hall I Box 353055 I Seattle, WA 98195
asbury23 at uw.edu<mailto:asbury23 at uw.edu> I www.evans.uw.edu<http://www.evans.uw.edu/>

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