[Biostudent] Communications/marketing Job

bioladv at uw.edu bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Aug 11 10:21:34 PDT 2023


I'm writing on behalf of the UW-IT Communications team to see if you could
help us promote a student internship position for the coming school year.
This is a great opportunity for a student who is interested in a
communications/marketing/social media career, since they will get to work
closely with pros in the field and produce a lot of great content for their
fellow students, faculty and staff. The job will remain open through Sept.
7. Please, feel free to pass the info to students.

See below for a few more details about the position and where to apply.


Ignacio Lobos

ialobos at uw.edu <mailto:ialobos at uw.edu>

UW-IT Communications Manager

Apply at Handshake, Job #8095637

Position: UW-IT Web Content, Communications & Marketing Internship

Start Date: Approx. October 1, 2023

Length: 3 quarters

Position type: 14 hours per week

Rate: $18.69 per hour

Organization Description

UW Information Technology (UW-IT) is the central information technology
organization for the University of Washington (UW), responsible for
strategic planning, oversight and direction of the UW's IT infrastructure,
resources and services. UW-IT provides critical technology support to all
three campuses, UW medical centers and research operations around the world.
UW-IT partners with the UW community to enable innovation, learning,
discovery and service.

As an intern in UW-IT, you will have a unique opportunity to influence a
highly diverse community of students, faculty and staff, and to improve
their experience in accessing, understanding and being successful in using
the technology available for their work and study. Our work and strategy in
UW-IT is founded on the belief that information technology, well-conceived,
designed and delivered, is a powerful force for good at the University.

UW-IT is committed to fostering an environment within UW-IT that is
inclusive, equitable and welcoming and that honors and values diverse
experiences, perspectives and identities. We believe in a future that
supports and sustains diversity, equity and inclusion in our organization
and in the communities we serve at the University and beyond, and that
includes taking responsibility for the language we use in our communications
online and otherwise.

Position Purpose & Description

The Web Content, Communications & Marketing Intern will be a member of the
UW Information Technology Communications team and report to the
Communications Manager. The Communications Team manages IT Connect, the
University's central IT tools and resources website; produces written and
multimedia content for various publications and channels targeted to
students, faculty and staff; works closely with technology teams throughout
the UW-IT organization to disseminate information to the UW community on
technology tools, updates and resources.

This internship position will work with communications experts and with
service teams to identify and create written and multimedia content targeted
at the UW community, including students on all three campuses. This work
will include social media and marketing content, editorial content for
publications, creating and refining online documentation about critical
tools and services. This work requires "translating" technical information
into plain language that is easy for a general audience to understand and

Position Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities will include:

* Work with communications experts to understand the needs of the
University community, and in particular the student audience, and identify
and create compelling content
* Help develop creative briefs, communications plans and campaigns,
including developing objectives, schedule, channels
* Develop copy and multimedia for multiple channels and audiences,
including IT Connect website, e-newsletters and social media, among others
* Engage with subject matter experts and understand specific
technology offered by UW-IT
* With the help of subject matter experts and by understanding the
needs of the UW community, determine how to create content about specific
technology, including creating web content and documentation in succinct,
action-oriented plain language
* Understand scope of story assignments; solicit information or
interview subject matter experts; match style, requirements and deadline of
publication; draft copy; shepherd content through necessary reviews;
identify potential illustrations for copy; and size visuals appropriately
for publication
* Learn and use writing and formatting style guidelines for UW
Information Technology, and use best practices for writing for the web and
other channels
* Learn and use technologies that enable web, editorial and social
media content publication and dissemination, including WordPress, Twitter
and Photoshop
* Ensure content conforms to accessibility standards and follows
University of Washington policies and procedures
* Organize and manage projects and tasks
* Work under deadlines and deliver assignments in a timely manner
* Problem solve, exercise sound judgment and use critical thinking in
communications and writing

Learning Outcomes / Benefits

The Web Content, Communications & Marketing Intern will:

* Gain experience in a dynamic and diverse technology organization
with more than 500 people and more than 100 service offerings that support
60,000 students and 40,000 faculty and staff at the UW
* Author content for a high-profile website that gets more than 3.5
million page views every year
* Learn about technology from people who are experts (and leaders) in
the field
* Learn to synthesize and distill highly technical information into a
form that students, faculty and staff can understand and use.
* Work on a variety of written and multimedia projects, including
video, alongside experienced writers, strategists, web developers, video
production specialists and graphic designers
* Build a portfolio (clips, videos, etc.) that can be used to land a
job in the field
* Develop and build professional relationships and network
* Receive mentorship in a collaborative working environment, with
regular reviews, goal-setting opportunities and check-ins

Requirements and Qualifications

* Excellent written and verbal communication skills
* Experience writing clearly and concisely for a general audience
* Understanding of how to follow writing style guides and willingness
to learn Associated Press (AP) style
* Comfortable working in Google Docs and Microsoft Word
* Organized, reliable and attentive to detail
* Commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and the ability to
communicate effectively with people of various backgrounds and personality
* Be able to work independently, be a team player and bring a positive
attitude to your work and collaboration with others
* Willingness to work in hybrid work environment, both in-person and
remotely using Zoom and Teams video conferencing

Application Process

We encourage you to apply even if you don't feel that you satisfy all the
requirements listed above. We understand that it will take some time for you
to learn our tools and processes. Additionally, you'll work closely with the
UW-IT Communications team, who want to help you have a great student-work

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