[Biostudent] Space Available in WIN 2024 Public Policy Courses

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Dec 8 11:50:28 PST 2023

* PUBPOL 201 Intro to Public Policy & Governance (5) In addition to introducing the discipline, this is a solid course to start exploring the public policy minor<https://evans.uw.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate-programs/undergraduate-minor/> and our undergraduate course offerings. It will be taught hybrid in WIN.
* PUBPOL 355 Nonprofits, Philanthropy & Social Innovation (5) This course examines how individuals and organizations-including nonprofits, social enterprises, and foundations--can address, solve, and mitigate social issues.
* PUBPOL 499 A Topics in Public Policy: Ethics, Power, and Leadership (5) This course examines complex ethical challenges and pressures facing public administrators in policy implementation and public service.
* PUBPOL 499 B Topics in Public Policy: Health Equity & Policy (5) This course will explore the US health policy landscape and the role of policy in achieving equitable health outcomes.
* PUBPOL 499 C Topics in Public Policy: Advocacy for Social Change (5) This course examines different components of advocacy, including the role of and opportunities for advocacy in the policy process; relationships between advocacy, social movements, and public policy; and organizations leading advocacy in the US and their regulatory environment. It is co-taught with graduate students and access is restricted to those with junior or senior standing who have taken PUBPOL 201. Complete this course access request<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/r/19VbQXEE1P__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iA-xgDE_9tRV_GRsR3pTtkspXeCQtHf64QAsTrj0hq4jjKLPJmUklLZYWd38YnY3E9_f-c4xAMbVEahetXM$> and add codes will be distributed on a first come, first served basis after registration begins.

If you have any questions about these courses or our minor, please let me know. The best way for students to connect is to schedule a minor advising<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/EvansSchoolPublicPolicyMinor@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/s/RXhRGPBqHEWF3zYdMJVQPw2__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lZTO0_6uKnDfrQPYW_hitPAIFOi44peDELT6n1TpC3OkcFmWk_91masN_sNeYPz5HEx3xuAvIrlW_xQ$> appointment or to email pubpoladv at uw.edu.<mailto:pubpoladv at uw.edu>

Thanks much,


Susan Inman, MSSW (she/her)
Learning Manager
Evans School of Public Policy & Governance<https://evans.uw.edu/>
University of Washington
140 Parrington Hall I Box 353055 I Seattle, WA 98195
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