[Biostudent] WINT24 CHID Focus Group & Special Topics Queer Heritage: Past and Present [CHID 496A]

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Dec 11 10:36:23 PST 2023

Q Center x CHID Focus Group


Queer Heritage: Past and Present [CHID 496A]
Explore hidden histories and legacies of queer communities around the globe by critically engaging with documentaries, podcasts, and other media forms.
This is a discussion based, 2 credit class that is peer-facilitated by an undergraduate student (advised by a faculty/staff mentor) and graded Credit/No Credit.
Meeting time is Friday 10:30am-12:20pm in the Q Center Lounge (HUB Room 315).
To register or learn more visit: tinyurl.com/QFocusGroupWINT24<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/QFocusGroupWINT24__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lHr170S3Vj_vVkYotwLwpI73pOJTJkdLC3ksJqhByobBsNG8j6W78xcR7j_Bs0peHx3k7QYLy4JdX72wLv8$>
*Flyer attached.

Special Topics: CHID 270B

Queer Representations in Journalism: Beyond Stories, Storytellers, and Structures

This seminar-style course delves into the influence of journalism in shaping queer identities and experiences. This course offers students an opportunity to explore the relationship between media representations, language choices, and newsroom practices, analyzing their impact on public understanding of queer issues.
WINT2024 | SLN: 12377 | SSc | WF 9:30-11:20 am | CDH 115
*Flyer attached.



Val Schweigert, M.Ed

Deputy Director

Q Center | University of Washington

pronouns: she/they/siya


(206) 616-7296<tel:(206)+616-7296>
qval at uw.edu<mailto:qval at uw.edu>
HUB Box 352235
Seattle, WA, 98195

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