[Biostudent] Volunteer Research Experience at the VA Hospital

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Dec 11 14:57:05 PST 2023

interested in getting research experience???
4-5 volunteers are needed in the research laboratory of Dr. Jose Garcia, MD, PhD, at the Seattle VA hospital. Positions are available for both clinical (human) and pre-clinical (animals, benchwork) research projects. A link to Dr. Garcia's UW page is here for your reference Garcia | Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine (uw.edu)<https://geriatrics.uw.edu/people/jose-garcia> We are seeking volunteers that are willing to commit at least 8 hrs/week for 1 year or more.
Clinical research volunteer: The primary duty of this volunteer will be patient chart review where potential study subjects will be identified based on study-specific criteria. The work will also involve a moderate amount of data entry (proficiency in Excel preferred), light clerical work, and some organizational/support tasks. If interested, please email your resume along with a brief description of why you are interested in this position to Lucas.Caeiro at va.gov<mailto:Lucas.Caeiro at va.gov>.
Pre-clinical research volunteer: The primary duties of this volunteer will be assisting animal dissection and tissue collection (mice), performance of molecular assays (PCR, western blotting, ELISA, immunohistochemistry) in tissue samples, animal handling (mice), genotyping, microscopy and morphological analysis (Image J), and data entry (Excel). Experience with the above techniques will be preferred but not required. If interested, please email your resume along with a brief description of why you are interested in this position to haiml at uw.edu<mailto:haiml at uw.edu>
There is opportunity for obtaining class credits and also for authorship on scientific manuscripts for those who are interested in more responsibility than described above. The position would likely not officially start until February 2024 due to the time required for processing paperwork and obtaining a clearance badge here at the VA. Please email Lucas.Caeiro at va.gov<mailto:Lucas.Caeiro at va.gov> if you have any questions prior to submitting your resume to the appropriate contact.
We look forward to hearing from you!

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