[Biostudent] December 18th Priority Deadline for Spring Courses at Friday Harbor Labs

FHL Students fhlstudents at uw.edu
Tue Dec 12 12:40:43 PST 2023

The priority deadline for applications to Friday Harbor Labs spring courses is this upcoming Monday, December 18th!

Come spend a spring term on beautiful San Juan island and make the ocean your classroom! We have advanced course offerings for science majors, as well as introductory offerings for pre-science majors like BIOL 180. Friday Harbor Labs specializes in offering small classes with hands-on labs and fieldwork that allows you to dive into subjects like marine ecology, marine mammal biology, invertebrate zoology, marine botany, and many more!

Interested in applying? Click here<https://forms.gle/bjVJFVmbSCnyF5Ue6> to start your application.

When enrolling in courses at FHL students may be eligible for scholarships from FHL as well as the Mary Gates Endowment.

Questions about courses, living at FHL, or scholarships can be sent to fhlstudents at uw.edu<mailto:fhlstudents at uw.edu>

Fiona Curliss
Academic Services Manager
Friday Harbor Laboratories

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