[Biostudent] UW Alumni Reunion and Class Gifts Scholarship - open for applicants!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Feb 7 10:56:41 PST 2023

* UW Alumni Reunion and Class Gifts Scholarship
<https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/reuniongift> - open now, due
April 18, 2023
This group of scholarships has opportunities open to all UW undergrads
regardless of citizenship status, residency, or campus affiliation. Award
amounts will range from $500-$2,000.

The UW Alumni Reunion and Class Gifts Scholarship is sponsored by the
University of Washington alumni classes of 1954, 1957, and 1962 in honor of
their 50th class reunions, the UW 50th Reunion Student Assistance Fund, the
UW Class of 1955 Endowment Community Service Award and the UW Class of 2016,
Impact and Diversity Endowed Scholarship. The intent of these graduates was
to create an endowment that provides financial assistance to hardworking
University of Washington undergraduate students.

While each endowment has slightly different eligibility and requirements,
current UW undergraduates submit one UW Alumni Reunion and Class Gifts
Scholarship online application <https://expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/686> . This
scholarship application process covers all six scholarships - students can
complete this single application to be considered for any of these

More details are listed here: <

Students are welcome to email with questions <mailto:scholarq at uw.edu> , to
make 1-1 advising appointments
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/applying/scholarship-advisors/> or to
join an upcoming application writing session
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/> .

Thank you! Best, Chetana


Assistant Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards

Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity
Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Please self-schedule an appointment here via Bookings
arshipsFellowships at cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jsmg3spr66

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