[Biostudent] SURP Applications Open! For Undergraduate Research

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Feb 28 15:00:16 PST 2023

Hello! I'm reaching out to let you know University of Washington faculty and
students currently conducting (or interested in conducting) research in the
areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are invited to
apply for Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium's 2023 Summer Undergraduate
Research Program (SURP). We will match qualified undergraduates and faculty
applications but will also accept applications from faculty and students
already working together. Participating faculty contribute a portion of the
student stipend.

This summer, we also have an excellent opportunity for UW graduate students
to join us as graduate student leaders of SURP. This is a chance for
graduate students to gain experience mentoring undergraduates while
continuing to work on their own research.

SURP seeks to increase research opportunities for undergraduates on
NASA-related STEM projects, and we particularly welcome applications from
students with traditionally marginalized genders and from underrepresented
minoritized communities.

Applications are open now and will close March 31, 2023. Application
details, stipend rates, and program eligibility information can be found on
IoR6w1kCmKczQ3EUDQOS55tQ9P4UUoCwUKyqVWUMYUEOVA$> website. A recorded
program info session is also available
Q9P4UUoCwUKyqVWUrCbyp7E$> here. Further questions can be directed to
nasa at uw.edu <mailto:nasa at uw.edu> .


Eli Heller

Eli Heller, M.Ed. (He/Him/His)

Student Services Manager

Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium [waspacegrant.org]

University of Washington

AERB 241A | Seattle, WA | 98195-2400

Phone: 206-543-8919 | Email: hellere at uw.edu <mailto:hellere at uw.edu>


Students can schedule an appointment below:

Q3EUDQOS55tQ9P4UUoCwUKyqVWUf0Ry-DY$> Advising Hours Calendar

General Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm, Teleworking (Mon / Friday)

UW Colleagues: Feel free to contact me on MS Teams during work hours.

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