[Biostudent] The Sancak Lab at the Department of Pharmacology has research opportunities for seniors

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Feb 28 11:31:03 PST 2023

The Sancak Lab at the Department of Pharmacology has research opportunities for seniors who are interested in training in a collaborative and dynamic research environment. Our lab’s research focus is mitochondria, metabolism and cellular signaling. Learn more about our research and lab here: https://www.sancaklab.org/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.sancaklab.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ljihjSaCgCDI03R1ybdM-WrbfznCDm77dHD6MUTr-ZEDn0gzyTW-yRuneEToHC11xuQii7qGN-sAng$>.

We are specifically looking to work with students who want to contribute to the ongoing research projects during their senior year as 499 research credits, and who will be interested in staying in the lab after graduation as a research technician for 1-2 years before moving onto graduate/medical school or industry positions. The candidates should have strong cell biology and biochemistry background, as well as prior lab experience (lab classes or research). Good communication and organization skills is a must.

Please contact Dr. Sancak (sancak at uw.edu <mailto:sancak at uw.edu>) with your CV, unofficial transcript and a short paragraph that explains why you are interested in this position and what you would like to gain from this experience.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Yasemin Sancak, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
University of Washington
1959 NE Pacific Street Rm K536
Seattle, WA 98195-7750
Tel. (206)-5430269(O)
Email: sancak at uw.edu <mailto:sancak at uw.edu>
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