[Biostudent] Register For the UW Seattle Health & Life Sciences Job & Internship Fair

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Fri Jan 6 11:21:07 PST 2023

UW Seattle Health & Life Sciences Job & Internship Fair

Good afternoon and happy start to 2023, UW Seattle Advisers!

The Career <https://careers.uw.edu/> & Internship Center would like to ask
for your timely attention to pass on details regarding our upcoming Health &
Life Sciences Job & Internship Fair! Please share this invitation and
resource detail broadly to students and alumni of UW Seattle.

WHAT: Health
07eaCN6iNWG00PWGTs3DCuTw$> & Life Sciences Job & Internship Fair, open to
all majors at UW Seattle

WHEN: February 2nd, 2023, from 12:30-3:30pm

WHERE: 100% IN-PERSON at Mary Gates Hall Commons, 1st floor

20+ registered employers are actively recruiting Huskies for full- &
part-time career roles, internship opportunities and/or networking for
future role pipeline development.

* Students can preview that list of employers here
OK-z6MiAAnz07eaCN6iNWG00PWGTl2xYQbs$> .

Students should:

* Register for the Fair in Handshake
* Research Fair Employers and their open positions
* Prepare a resume, print and plan bring 20 copies

Encourage students to:

* Optimize their Handshake profile by adding Skills and Experience -
here is a great how-to
ViYSog82GAY-K5_PuqGV0GOpWY_MSGx_5OK-z6MiAAnz07eaCN6iNWG00PWGTHIHpmPA$> !
* Consider having the Career & Internship Center review their resume
<https://careers.uw.edu/online-resume-review/> in advance of the Fair.
* Attend Career Fair 101: How to Prepare for a Fair
-a-fair-2/> on January 19th, 1:30-2:20 PM (optional but helpful)

Questions? Email <mailto:cicevents at uw.edu> cicevents at uw.edu.

Thank you,

-Leah Bothwell


134 Mary Gates Hall / Box 352810 / Seattle, WA 98195


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