[Biostudent] ASUW - Transfer Student Advocacy Committee Applications Open

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Jan 18 12:32:51 PST 2023

ASUW - Transfer Student Advocacy Committee Applications Open

Dear UW Advisers,

My name is Ben Roscoe and I am the Director of Community Relations for ASUW.
I have the honor of chairing the Undergraduate Transfer Student Advocacy
Committee. I am still looking for a few more applicants. Please share the
following with any pertinent listSERVs you have or students you think would
be interested in joining.

The Undergraduate Transfer Student Advocacy Committee (UTSAC) Application is
still open for at large members. The Application is up until Jan. 12th and
available here Transfer Student Advocacy Committee Application 2023
EGw1ESWOyMQ7hPEp$> or at volunteer.asuw.org.

UTSAC is a committee dedicated to bringing about inclusion and equity for
transfer students, whether that's enrollment, financial aid, or
transfer-student specific programming. This is a great opportunity to:

* build your resume
* get more involved with ASUW
* make some friends, and
* advocate for transfer students

We still have a few open seats available and anyone is welcome to come to
the meetings. Meeting time may change based on availability of members, but
they will likely take place on Friday afternoons.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ben Roscoe, ASUW Director of
Community Relations at asuwbdcr at uw.edu <mailto:asuwbdcr at uw.edu> .

Thank you so much! I really appreciate all your help and all you do for UW.

Ben Roscoe | Director of Community Relations

Pronouns: he/him/his

<mailto:asuwbdcr at uw.edu> E-Mail |
Mockm5Qpb1EGw1ESWOyKWXcbv1$> Office Hours

HUB 121 | (206) 543-1780


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The ASUW acknowledges the stewards of Coast Salish lands, the lands on which
we currently sit and the UW occupies. We acknowledge the original and
current caretakers; Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot nations
and peoples.

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