[Biostudent] Opportunity for Students: Summer Program in Pain Research | SCAN Design Foundations Innovations in Pain Research | Application deadline approaching, Feb 2nd, 2023

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Jan 18 12:34:03 PST 2023

Dear Students,

Are you Interested in Research in Pain treatment mechanisms, developing new
therapies, and access?

Apply to <https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/pain-research/> Scan
Design Foundation Innovations in Pain Research Summer Program by February 2,

About the Program:

Millions of people in the U.S. alone suffer from debilitating chronic pain.
pain-research/> The Scan Design Innovations in Pain Research Summer Program
will expose the University of Washington undergraduate students to
interdisciplinary research in pain to stimulate interest in future careers
in pain research. This full-time, in-person program will immerse
undergraduate students in research to better understand pain and treatment
mechanisms, develop new therapies, and improve access to evidence-based pain

Who Is Encouraged to Apply?

Undergraduates in biological sciences, psychology, nursing, social work,
and/or engineering-related fields who are interested in exploring either
basic science or clinical research in pain treatment are encouraged to


* Current full-time UW undergraduate students (with potential major
areas of study in biological sciences, psychology, nursing, social work,
and/or engineering).
* Rising juniors, rising seniors, or non-graduating seniors (who are
returning in the fall after summer participation to continue undergraduate
studies) at the time of the summer program.
* Interest in exploring either basic science or clinical research in
pain treatment.
* Interest in pursuing a Ph.D., MD or MD-PhD.


Students will receive a $6,000 stipend to be disbursed in installments
throughout the program.

* Application now open
* Application Deadline: February 2, 2023
* Notification of Acceptances: March - April 2023

To learn more and to apply, click
pain-research/> here. Please email any questions to ursummer at uw.edu
<mailto:ursummer at uw.edu> .

Best Wishes,

Undergraduate Research Program


Undergraduate Research Program
Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity | Undergraduate Academic
University of Washington
Box 352803 | 171 Mary Gates Hall
PH: 206.543.4282 | FAX: 206.616.4389
<http://www.uw.edu/undergradresearch/> www.uw.edu/undergradresearch/

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