[Biostudent] Job Opportunity

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jan 19 12:10:11 PST 2023

From: Aaron Balagot <rest_tech at midcolumbiafisheries.org>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 12:19 PM
To: janetjg at uw.edu
Subject: Job Opportunity

My name is Aaron Balagot and I am the Restoration Technician Supervisor for Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group. We are a nonprofit located in Ellensburg that is dedicated to protecting and restoring wild salmonid populations, their habitats, and ecosystem functions that support native fish species through restoration, protection, education, and community involvement throughout our region.

I have begun searching for potential candidates for MCF’s Seasonal Restoration Crew. We deal with site management and upkeep of restoration sites within the Columbia River Basin. This job is perfect for a potential candidate to kickstart their career in Natural Sciences/Environmental restoration. Crew members will take part in habitat assessment, data collection, education/public outreach and experience with hard skills that jobs in this field look for. Experience is not necessary, we will hire the right candidate willing to work hard and learn new skills. Attached below is the job description, would you please pass this along to students or alumni you think would be interested. In addition please forward this to similar professionals like us to help spread word of the job posting.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate your help,


Aaron C. Balagot

Restoration Technician Supervisor

Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midcolumbiafisheries.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g5UbWHNPfExhi9OJKqBEwryRCQH_JnG9O8UEG0ql6A50nmX-gVSpqLGWzizk_dTLVtCOCOvfz8wbIUPunrukRvX8obIk$>

(206) 354-7641


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