[Biostudent] FieldNotes is seeking both written and visual submissions for our Spring 2023 issue!

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Jan 26 10:50:36 PST 2023

Hello undergraduates,

Do you want to actively engage with science communication with your research? FieldNotes is seeking both written and visual submissions for our Spring 2023 issue! We aim to provide a platform for undergraduates to practice science communication. We accept pieces about your own research, their own perspectives on research, or environmental topics in the Pacific Northwest.

Our editorial board will work with you to edit your piece throughout the quarter and will be featured at the end of the quarter in our Autumn issue in both digital and print forms.

Submission Details
We welcome submissions from all UW majors and colleges. However, we will only accept submissions that pertain to environmental/ecological research. To be considered for our journal, please submit a short abstract/pitch for your piece to this Google form <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyn_45Wd_CiDfr-gP6PuqjeubYSEujrAOfzSUaSZT53ZU2OA/viewform?usp=sf_link__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nfhfgltBtmCw1B66XGRecm4t_PIK_qRj7KOdw2I1D0vt4dJNpsnSduGjTRmz9nKgUg99_dZNX0MSkYhiXhmcjjHf$>. To get an idea of the type of articles we publish, check out our Spring 2022 issue <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fieldnotesjournal.org/current-issue__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nfhfgltBtmCw1B66XGRecm4t_PIK_qRj7KOdw2I1D0vt4dJNpsnSduGjTRmz9nKgUg99_dZNX0MSkYhiXnCdzky6$>.

Contributing to the journal is a full-quarter commitment, so we expect authors to meet deadlines, respond to feedback on time, and communicate with the editorial board throughout the quarter. The submission deadline is March 26th (3/26) at midnight.

We're looking forward to working with you!

The FieldNotes Team


We provide undergraduates with diverse ways to share their environmental research and engage a broader community.

Website: https://fieldnotesjournal.org/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fieldnotesjournal.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nfhfgltBtmCw1B66XGRecm4t_PIK_qRj7KOdw2I1D0vt4dJNpsnSduGjTRmz9nKgUg99_dZNX0MSkYhiXj-ZiIVF$>
Email: fieldnotesjourn at gmail.com <mailto:fieldnotesjourn at gmail.com>
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