[Biostudent] Early Fall 2023 UW Seminar "Andes to Amazon: Biodiversity, conservation and sustainability in Peru" study abroad

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jan 26 13:39:21 PST 2023

I wanted to bring to your attention this opportunity for your students.
Martha Groom and I will be teaching the "Andes to Amazon: Biodiversity,
conservation and sustainability in Peru" study abroad program in
Aug-September (offered for the 13th year!). Our program focuses on
explorations of biodiversity, ecology, conservation and sustainability in
those regions. Students also have opportunities to gain skills in field
ecology research and/or delve into more detail in other
human-conservation-environment social issues.

We would appreciate it if you could spread the word about this program among
your students. The priority deadline for applications is 15 Feb. I have
attached fliers in PDF and jpg versions. Below are a couple of links that
have more details on the program, application process and the upcoming info

mAngular&id=10738> &id=10738


Thanks for sharing with your students!

All the best,


Dr. Ursula Valdez

Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences

Environmental Sciences

University of Washington Bothell
18115 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246

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