[Biostudent] Interested in interdisciplinary learning, connecting with peers, and finding access to opportunities in climate science?

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Jan 31 10:54:23 PST 2023

Interested in interdisciplinary learning, connecting with peers, and finding access to opportunities in climate science? The Program on Climate Change can help! If you would like to connect with professional development resources, experts in the field of climate science, and fellow climate-minded undergraduates from across the college, consider joining the PCC Undergraduate Climate Cohort:

And get on our listserve to receive emails relevant to undergrads interested in thinking about climate.

For those seeking a personalizable, interdisciplinary, educational program on the aspects of climate science, check out the newly updated Climate Science Minor!


News and opinions about earth’s climate and global climate change can be found everywhere in today’s media, but without a foundational knowledge of climate science, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. The Climate Science Minor aims to give students a strong interdisciplinary foundation in climate science with opportunities to explore policy, energy, and human dimensions of climate change. This minor is for any undergraduate who wants to understand climate change science from a broad perspective.

A word about the requirements. We strongly recommend that interested freshmen and sophomores take ESS 201 or ATM S 211 as soon as possible, since they are prerequisites for the capstone course ATM S/ESS/OCEAN 475 which is offered once a year.

Students also take one quantitative skills course AND one course from each of four topic areas <https://pcc.uw.edu/education/undergraduate-minor/climate-science-minor-requirements/> with opportunities to explore paleoclimate, marine pollution, climate justice, ecology, the Arctic, and more. The updated elective structure allows for more choice in how the requirements are fulfilled. Check out the expanded options!

Students are encouraged to meet with the Climate Science Minor Advisor, Miriam Bertram, for course planning.

We hope to hear from you soon!

-UW Program on Climate Change
uwpcc at uw.edu <mailto:uwpcc at uw.edu>
pcc.uw.edu <http://pcc.uw.edu/>

Thank you for your help and any feedback that you may have for us!


Isaac Olson
Undergraduate Assistant
UW Program on Climate Change
(206) 543-6521
uwpcc at uw.edu <mailto:uwpcc at uw.edu>
pcc.uw.edu <http://pcc.uw.edu/>

"The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations."

@uwpcc pcc.uw.edu <http://pcc.uw.edu/> uwpcc at uw.edu <mailto:uwpcc at uw.edu>
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