[Biostudent] Undergrad Opportunity - Recruiting Undergraduate Mentees in STEM

Jason L. Patterson patterj at uw.edu
Wed Jul 26 16:07:55 PDT 2023

I work for the Office of the Provost and the Graduate School and oversee the Husky Seed Fund award program. Created by students for students, the fund brings to life innovative ideas by students that are inclusive, impactful, and inventive to the UW. I'm reaching out on behalf of 2022 awardee, Leigh West, a Biology PhD student and her project, Sisu mentoring program. Leigh is recruiting undergraduate mentees to participate, and Biology is a good match as Sisu aims to support under-represented genders i I work for the Office of the Provost and the Graduate School and oversee the Husky Seed Fund<https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/> award program. Created by students for students, the fund brings to life innovative ideas by students that are inclusive, impactful, and inventive to the UW. I'm reaching out on behalf of 2022 awardee, Leigh West, a Biology PhD student and her project, Sisu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.sisumentor.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my0U4wRW2bN1c2t-fNINqezLPNGk0OGGHW1vHofvRZgN7clP0azjSF66MZPBhS45-tuRhX8CGulqgw$> mentoring program. Leigh is recruiting undergraduate mentees to participate, and Biology is a good match as Sisu aims to support under-represented genders in STEM. More details from Leigh (cc'd here):

Leigh's Brief Overview of Sisu

My name is Leigh West, and I am a third-year PhD candidate in the Biology Department. I am getting in touch to request your assistance recruiting undergraduate students to participate in a mentoring program I founded to support under-represented genders in STEM. This is a new program, launched with support from the Husky Seed Fund, and aims to match University of Washington undergraduate students with mentors working in science and science-adjacent fields. Husky undergraduates will be matched with a mentor whose expertise is most related to the students' interests, and mentees will meet with their mentors quarterly (4 times per year). Any student is welcome to apply, and the program particularly welcomes students from gender-marginalized groups, as the current mentors identify this way. Currently, the mentor base primarily consists of Ecologists / Biologists, with a few others in fields such as Science Communication, Computer Programming, and Medicine. Here is a brief description of the program from the Sisu website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.sisumentor.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mBo5lJNEz2D7CPYI7BowQeulRBuJG2eEDK4GWl_NBOwgc1NTKnYI-mC_tEf46Z95W5BuHaVYKC8b5g$>:

Sisu positions undergraduates to address the barriers that can be experienced by those from marginalized gender groups by providing students interested in STEM careers, regardless of gender, with resources, community, and inspiration.

Leigh's Request for Your Assistance

If you would share this program with the undergraduates in your department to help find students interested in becoming mentees, that would be incredibly helpful. You can direct them to the Sisu mentor matching form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.sisumentor.org/get-matched__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!my0U4wRW2bN1c2t-fNINqezLPNGk0OGGHW1vHofvRZgN7clP0azjSF66MZPBhS45-tuRhX8p4fX7gw$> so they can complete it to help me match students with a relevant mentor. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require additional information.

Jason Patterson, M Ed. (He/Him)
Academic Counselor Senior, Department of Biology
patterj at u.washington.edu<mailto:patterj at u.washington.edu>
318 HCK, University of Washington, BOX 355320 Phone: 206-543-7767
Biology Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
My Regular Drop in Zoom days: Tues, Thurs 1-4 pm, and Mon, Tues, Weds, Thursday 9-12pm.
Zoom link for those hours: https://washington.zoom.us/j/97207369544

Advising Sessions Via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person individual advising available by appointment only.

Appointments by request. Please include your name and student number in your emails.

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