[Biostudent] Nursery Internship Opportunities

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jun 1 14:20:31 PDT 2023

The SER-UW Native Plant Nursery is accepting applications for both our Summer/Fall Nursery Internship and our Student Nursery Assistant positions! See details about each position below, more information at sites.uw.edu/seruwnursery/get-involved/ <http://sites.uw.edu/seruwnursery/get-involved/> These positions are available for current UW undergraduate students. Please share with any students you think may be interested in either opportunity.

Nursery Internship - Summer/Fall 2023

Up to 20 hrs a week in Summer, 10 hrs a week in Fall

Start Date: June 26th 2023 | End Date: December 15th 2023

- Gain experience and knowledge with native plant production
- Earn up to 3 credits toward your undergraduate degree
- Receive a $1.3k education award at the end of your term (summer/fall intern exclusive!!)

Student Assistant

Up to 10 hrs a week

Start Date: June 26th 2023 | End Date: June 9th 2024
- Mid-level horticulture experience needed, directly assists with nursery management
- $19.87 per hour
- $1.7k education award at the end of your term

Interested applicants should email cover letter and resume (including academic program, relevant coursework, and work experience) to the SER-UW Native Plant Nursery Manager at sernursery at gmail.com <mailto:sernursery at gmail.com> with the subject line "Nursery Internship SU/FA23" or "Student Nursery Assistant" Application due by Friday, June 9th at 11:59 pm.

All the best,

Lea Dyga (they/she)

SER-UW Native Plant Nursery Manager

AmeriCorps CLEC Member

University of Washington Botanic Gardens

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/wacampuscoalition.org/clec__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hTsWuByec-ZPIiOGpgpA0gKf5BKv1liY9r7poUabaPLzFXkJ2mgRHJihWqQgiX2aYr3YKQqquv4y$> <https://botanicgardens.uw.edu/>

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