[Biostudent] Hiring a Student Helper in our Lab

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Mar 6 08:54:52 PST 2023

On Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 12:38 PM <savannah.lawton at seattlechildrens.org <mailto:savannah.lawton at seattlechildrens.org>> wrote:

Savannah Lawton (savannah.lawton at seattlechildrens.org <mailto:savannah.lawton at seattlechildrens.org>) sent a message using the contact form athttps://www.biology.washington.edu/contact <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.biology.washington.edu/contact__;!!NuzbfyPwt6ZyPHQ!sALr02Ary9q5RJj7hu4CWSZCn90N1x-LWZOyFSdQkMobrDAEpDEqjNA0eMPjbDvssCmh3qZ2PtH9cSMVDiNzMJNpvLUr$>. Hello, I am the lab manager for the Miao lab at Seattle Children's Research Institute. We are hiring for a student helper in our lab and I wanted to know who I should contact to send our hiring advertisement to.

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