[Biostudent] Call for Applications: Husky Seed Fund

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Mar 6 09:18:16 PST 2023

Inclusive. Impactful. Inventive.

Calling all UW students from all campuses!

Do you have an innovative idea that would enhance the UW student experience?
The Husky Seed Fund has the resources to make your idea a reality! Created
by students for students, the Husky Seed Fund provides up to $5,000 for you,
or a small team, to pursue your passions and bring your projects to life.

Awardees develop project management and leadership skills while they execute
impactful and inventive strategies to elevate the Husky Experience. This is
a truly unique opportunity to strengthen the entire Husky community by
promoting inclusivity and helping to make all students feel that they have a
home at the UW. A previously funded project which has received statewide and
nationwide recognition is the
7d0rFW2V2A5az109pEJw5ZBTHDLA$> Indigenous Walking Tour.

We are also proud to support the 2022 winners:

* Huskies for Housing: Illuminating the daily experiences of those
living unhoused.
* Youth Lead Youth: Examining how race influences healthcare.
9pEJw7qsgtxJw$> SISU Mentoring Program: Addressing barriers to STEM careers.

The Husky Experience Student Advisory Council encourages all students to
explore the <https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/>
Husky Seed Fund website, attend or view an information session, and/or
contact seedfund at uw.edu <mailto:seedfund at uw.edu> for more information.

Follow us on
2A5az109pEJw6KM7eLcQ$> Facebook and
V2A5az109pEJw5gFx5WVw$> Instagram to see the impact of previously funded
projects and stay up to date on award news!


* All UW undergraduate, graduate and professional students from any
campus are encouraged to apply.
* Applications can be individual, or team based.
* All team members must be in good academic standing (each with a
minimum 2.5 GPA for undergraduates and 3.0 for graduate and professional
* Projects must involve a UW faculty or staff member as a mentor.

Information Session:

Talk to the HESAC council to get all of your questions answered wherever you
are! This hour-long information session will be available for free, remote
streaming via
5az109pEJw6AUbDwWw$> Zoom for all UW students.

* Tuesday, March 7: 4:30 p.m.,
5az109pEJw6AUbDwWw$> Zoom meeting ID: 956 894 9283

* Session will be recorded and posted on the
<https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/> Husky Seed
Fund website the following day.

Application Dates:

* Applications open: February 22, 2023
* Applications close: March 28, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
* Finalists will be contacted on April 6, 2023, and invited for

Apply here:

09pEJw5ZHdTFZw$> https://forms.gle/aMquvX1N11oGSLVj9

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