[Biostudent] FW: [Advisers] OPEN TO ALL MAJORS - SP23 ENVIR 497 Environmental Studies Seminars

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Mar 6 11:49:33 PST 2023

OPEN TO ALL MAJORS - SP23 ENVIR 497 Environmental Studies Seminars

We still have space open in the following two, 5-credit ENVIR 497
Environmental Studies Seminars - contemporary topics that may intersect with
the academic and career goals of students in many majors!

8QmoA> ENVIR 497B (MyPlan)
SLN 14422

Sustainable Business

Instructors: Ben Packard (UW EarthLab) and Gary Handwerk (Program on the

The notion of a sustainable business has changed significantly over the last
30 years and is currently a hot topic of debate, linked inevitably to
analysis of the existing global economy. Our goal in this course is to offer
an introductory overview of questions such as, "What is a sustainable
business?", "How do sustainability and diversity/equity/inclusion issues
intersect in the worlds of business?", and "What does sustainable business
look like in the era of climate change?" We'll have a set of guest speakers
addressing particular aspects of this topic.

QF8QmoA> ENVIR 497C (MyPlan)
SLN 14423

Environmental Law

Instructor: Lawrence Watters (Visiting Faculty from University of Lausanne
Switzerland and University of Pretoria South Africa)

This course examines the framework of Environmental Law. Primary concepts
and themes are explored in a systematic approach where each session provides
important building blocks. The topics in the first part provide the
foundation with landmark cases and leading statutes. The second part
contains fresh perspectives and the influence of related fields with
lectures by guest speakers. The third part explores Climate Change with an
interdisciplinary, national and international perspective related to
implementation of the regime.

JOY CREVIER, M.S. | she/her
Academic Adviser

Environmental Studies | Program on the Environment

<mailto:crevier at uw.edu> crevier at uw.edu | <https://envstudies.uw.edu/>

Wallace Hall 015E | (206) 685-8775

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