[Biostudent] VISIONS 2023 Seagoing Expedition info session Thurs, 3/9 11:30 AM FSH 207

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon Mar 6 15:43:16 PST 2023

VISIONS 2023 Seagoing Expedition info session Thurs, 3/9 11:30 AM FSH 207

Adviser note: VISIONS is an incredible opportunity for undergraduates to
participate in research. Not sure if this is for you? From the posting:
"There are no costs to participate in this program, and no expectations of
prior sea-going experience or knowledge about the ocean. All transportation
to and from the ship is provided by the program. The goal is to share with
you the excitement of sea-going research and the importance of the ocean."
All undergraduates are welcome, but please RSVP!

VISIONS 2023 Research Cruise Info Session

Interested in what it takes to perform science on the high seas? Come join
the VISIONS 2023 aboard the 274-foot global class R/V Thomas G. Thompson!
You'll get the opportunity to get hands-on experience and learn about
deep-sea life, undersea volcanoes, ocean exploration, operation of
remotely-operated vehicles, and more!

This year's cruise will take place from August to mid-September and will use
Wood's Holes ROV Jason to maintain scientific instruments and technology at
the largest and most active submarine volcano off our coast, Axial Seamount,
as well as explore the seafloor at depths of up to 9500 ft. You will get to
see some of the most extreme environments on Earth as well as the novel life
that inhabits them, an opportunity few will get in their lifetime! Students
can apply to join the expedition for any of the four 8-10 day legs and can
participate in one or more legs, and all for free!

Learn more online
-join-us-on-the-visions-2023-seagoing-expedition/) or through the attached

Have questions? Join us this Thursday to learn more!

VISISIONS 2023 Info Session

When: Thursday, 3/9 11:30 am ~ 12:00 pm

Where: FSH 207 (map)

RSVP (critical - let us know if you can make it so we know we have 'critical
mass' to run): https://forms.gle/MNjZCjVodAF7ywnz9

Joe Kobayashi

Marine Biology Academic Adviser

University of Washington

he, him, his

<https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/fsh> Fisheries Sciences Building, Room
208B Box: 355020


ineBiologyAdvising at cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gKjvsEzQib
Book an advising appointment

<https://marinebiology.uw.edu/> marinebiology.uw.edu

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