[Biostudent] SPR23 Nutrition Courses to Help Your Students Have "Fuel for the Future"

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Fri Mar 10 14:38:10 PST 2023

**Two Core Courses in our program. These are great classes for students thinking about the major and can be used for the minor.

NUTR 302 Food Systems: Harvest to Health (5) NSc/SSc – taught by the award-winning Eli Wheat from Program on the Environment
Examines the many facets of the modern food supply from production and processing to distribution, marketing, and retail. Systems approach to foods studies considers geopolitical, agricultural, environmental, social, and economic factors along the pathway from harvest to health. Prerequisite: NUTR 200.

NUTR 303 Food Systems: Individual to Population Health (5) SSc/NSc
Examines the food environment in the local community from the public health perspective. Explores where people get their food, what influences this decision, and various aspects of the local food movement, including access to healthy food, urban agriculture, farmers markets, and other public health nutrition initiatives. Includes a weekly discussion section. Prerequisite: NUTR 200

**Great upper-level electives like:

NUTR 310 Nutrition and the Life Course (4) NSc
Explores nutrient needs from infancy through adolescence and adulthood, including the physiological basis of nutrient requirements and the genetic, social, and environmental influences on food choices and nutrition status. Uses an evidence-based approach to assess the impact of nutrition across life stages and ways to improve population health by improving nutrition. Prerequisite: NUTR 200.

**Did I mention NUTR 200 has space for 720 students? Nutrition 200 for ALL!

NUTR 200 Nutrition for Today (4) NSc
Examines the role of nutrition in health, wellness, and prevention of chronic disease. Topics include nutrients and nutritional needs across the lifespan, food safety, food security, wellness, body weight regulation, eating disorders, sports nutrition, and prevention of chronic disease.

-Our classes offer tools for living, please consider sharing them with your students-

Thank you,


Lisa Nordlund

Pronouns: She, Her, Hers

Senior Adviser

Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Major (FSNH)

<http://nutr.uw.edu/> Nutritional Sciences Program

University of Washington

305-B Raitt Hall | 206-543-8333

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