[Biostudent] Spring 2023 MEDCH 327/PCEUT 327 Science of Drugs Course

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Mar 9 16:41:14 PST 2023

MEDCH 327/PCEUT 327: The Science of Drugs

Spring Quarter 2023

SLN: 17067 or 18484

MWF 1:30-2:20 pm, Health Sciences Building T639 and Zoom

Instructor: Libin Xu, libinxu at uw.edu <mailto:libinxu at uw.edu> , 206-543-1080

Science elective for chemistry, biochemistry, biology, and related majors

Prerequisites: CHEM 223, CHEM 237, CHEM 335, or instructor permission

Thank you,



Director of Advising and Student Success, Office of Professional Pharmacy

University of Washington School of Pharmacy

1959 NE Pacific St. Box 357239
Magnuson Health Sciences Center F-461A
Seattle, WA 98195-7239

<mailto:cmb23 at uw.edu> cmb23 at uw.edu / 206.543.9742 /
<http://sop.uw.edu/> sop.uw.edu

PharmD students: Please use our scheduling tool
iwezZB6ySMD$> to make an online or phone appointment, or
<mailto:cmb23 at uw.edu> email me to schedule an in-person appointment.

UW Colleagues: Feel free to contact me on MS Teams during business hours.

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Duwamish, Puyallup, Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot nations.

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