[Biostudent] Spring Quarter Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Please Share!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Mar 30 12:45:30 PDT 2023

Spring Quarter Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Please Share!

I am working with a team of researchers at the University of Washington to count people experiencing homelessness and collect information about their well-being this spring. This project is PI’d by Zack Almquist (Sociology), Amy Hagopian (Health Systems and Population Health), Paul Hebert (Health Systems and Population Health) and Nathalie Williams (Sociology). The count will run from April 17-May 15.

We are currently recruiting undergraduate research assistants to help administer surveys, and were hoping you would be willing to share the attached flyer for this opportunity with your students. Note that students can earn credit for their participation! If you have any follow-up questions, please contact Zack Almquist; <mailto:zalmquist at uw.edu> zalmquist at uw.edu.

Thanks so much


Devin Collins

Graduate Student | Department of Sociology

University of Washington

216 Savery Hall

Seattle, WA, 98195


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