[Biostudent] Student position opening: Summer Field Technician in Freshwater Ecology

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Mar 30 16:20:31 PDT 2023

Student position opening: Summer Field Technician in Freshwater Ecology

Summer Field Technician in Freshwater Ecology - UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences

The Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab (https://www.oldenfish.com/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.oldenfish.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hgCloBYXG0I0K0OqJg-NdYcuaIyWh-Ex3BJvUo1Q2NZOp3oIEjfqShsViE9KJQESO9_8n84SBMMTqw_6HG7RkJc$> ) at the University of Washington is hiring a full-time (40 hours/week) field research assistant to work in Seattle, WA and the John Day River Basin, Oregon, during the summer 2023. We are looking for a highly motivated individual who has a passion for freshwater ecology and fisheries, and is hard-working, adaptable, detail-oriented, and enjoys working as part of a team. Research assistants are critical members of our team and are essential to making science happen. The research assistant will be involved with a new research project exploring the ecological consequences of fish and crayfish invasions for native salmonids in the John Day River Basin, Oregon. Full description is attached.

DURATION: June 12 – Sept 12, 2023 (flexible)
COMPENSATION: $18.69/hour and all lodging and meals paid. 40 hours a week maximum.
TO APPLY: Send a single PDF application to Julian Olden (olden at uw.edu <mailto:olden at uw.edu> ) with the following info:

* Cover letter (1-pg) describing your interest in the position and relevant educational, professional, and/or personal experience to meet requirements
* Resume or CV
* Unofficial transcripts (no minimum GPA requirement)
* Contact information (name, phone, & email) for two references

Applications will be considered upon receipt, closing on May 1, 2023.

Please send questions to Julian Olden, olden at uw.edu <mailto:olden at uw.edu> .

Julian D. Olden

Worthington Endowed Professor in Fisheries Management

Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences

University of Washington

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