[Biostudent] Undergrad research assistant position open in SAFS lab - apply by May 19

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu May 4 13:15:52 PDT 2023

Undergrad research assistant position open in SAFS lab - apply by May 19

Undergraduate Research Assistant, starting June 2023.

* Interest in algal-zooplankton-microbe ecological research (laboratory Closed Ecological Systems)
* comfortable with basic inorganic chemistry (molar quantities) some simple gas laws
* computer skills including Microsoft Suite.
* Experience with statistics, Endnote or aquatic chemistry is a plus.
* Will gain expertise in algal and Daphnia culture techniques; sterilization procedures (autoclaving), complex chemically defined media; experimental design, general laboratory procedures, instrumentation, and dishwashing.
* Must be able to lift 35 pounds.
* Preference for student with more than one year of time left at UW Seattle.
* Approximately 10 hours/week, $18.69/hr

Please fill out the following application https://forms.gle/irPQExRDf861jy1D8 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/irPQExRDf861jy1D8__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!l1mr0U6MByvGbtAMfB8EZGU2i2UDy8NtdP7zt8m2DZ-QZHhk5rYxELB21C7q1m_HHeOst5iWkWWtV5xJfAwbcJ0$> and send an e-mail to taub at uw.edu <mailto:taub at uw.edu> with your unofficial transcript attached.

DEADLINE: May 19, 2023

Questions? Email Dr. Frieda Taub, taub at uw.edu <mailto:taub at uw.edu>

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