[Biostudent] Biology Networking Night!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Fri May 5 15:04:17 PDT 2023

Don't know what major to pick but have an interest in Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Microbiology, Public Health, or Psychology? If so, you're invited to our upcoming Biology Networking Night! Hosted by TriBeta and Biology Students for Equity, this event is the perfect opportunity to get insider advice on what it's like to apply to and be in these majors!

We're meeting on May 8th (Mon) from 5-6 PM at HUB 250. We'll have snacks on hand, and there'll be time for Q&A to answer your questions!

Brief RSVP form: https://forms.gle/mkDQ9dcseTaS7QxeA <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/mkDQ9dcseTaS7QxeA__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jFRV7FVU-M4h-Hn9m3QhryXjdU-FKdL9c8q-vU8U7BW5B3zEfqgkDHv8MCjx0MF85nGU4L24P-D9KKBe$>

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