[Biostudent] FW: [Envirolink] New Winter 2024 Course: NUTR 490B, 3CR, Sustainable Animal Agriculture: Complexities and Tradeoffs

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Nov 1 10:03:43 PDT 2023

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NUTR 490B: Sustainable Animal Agriculture: Complexities and Tradeoffs
Credits: 3
Meets: W 2:30 p.m. - 5:20 p.m

This course introduces students to complexities and tradeoffs that influence the sustainability of meat production and consumption in the United States, with an emphasis on environmental impacts and animal welfare.

Topics include:

* Types and scales of production for beef, pork, and poultry in the U.S. context.
* Tradeoffs and synergies between environmental, social, and economic sustainability considerations.
* How do producers balance environmental and animal welfare goals day-to-day? Which are broadly shared, and where do different types of farms diverge?
* What economic and operational constraints do farmers and ranchers face in trying to meet these goals?
* How do the sustainability-related opinions, preferences, and purchases of the general public influence the decisions of livestock producers?

This team-taught course draws upon interdisciplinary knowledge from agriculture, public health, systems science, and the social sciences. Students will not only learn but, at the same time, contribute to innovative research in this area by participating in data collection activities related to group deliberation and individual reflection. Students from all majors are welcome.

If students have any questions, please have them contact me at ugnutr at uw.edu<mailto:ugnutr at uw.edu>

Thank you,

Lisa Nordlund
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Senior Adviser
Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Major (FSNH)
Nutritional Sciences Program<http://nutr.uw.edu/>
University of Washington
305-B Raitt Hall | 206-543-8333
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