[Biostudent] Student Organization - Pre-Physician Scientist Club at UW

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Nov 7 16:29:26 PST 2023


We invite all of you to join the newly revamped Pre-Physician Scientist Club at UW (PPSC)! Our goal is to become a one-stop shop within the near future for all things medicine and research during your undergraduate.

In terms of events, you can expect workshops (research, resumes, etc), panels, and more. We are in the beginnings of creating all these events for you all (so now is a great time to join as we always want to hear what specifically you want to see in a club). So far, we have had our first general meeting, a journal club with URLs who presented and answered questions, and are about to have our first members meeting regarding everything about research. We would love for you to be there and information to join our club is on our Instagram: @uwppsc

We have also partnered with The Princeton Review and, once you become a full-fledge member of our organization, you get access to all types of discounts (including 20% of prep courses and 10% off 1-on-1 test prep and academic tutoring)

We are constantly working on new events/programs to provide and are currently planning on launching a mentorship program with MD and MD-PhD students this upcoming Winter 2024 as well as up the amount of workshops/journal clubs we will run.

Hope to see you all at our next meetings NOV 9 & 16 (or other future meetings as well)!

For our meeting on NOV 9, we will be providing food to those who attend! We would like a headcount of who will be showing up so please fill out this form : https://forms.gle/sxnZJ9QRYbhaL4Sy5<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/sxnZJ9QRYbhaL4Sy5__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kGqdW84QQ58c6c1H-DODT3kGMZfYLEoeYV0JA8fewoBvlrd56WlqLS8ppnCBSE_by3RDYRXC26ruI7KI$> (https://forms.gle/sxnZJ9QRYbhaL4Sy5<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/sxnZJ9QRYbhaL4Sy5__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kGqdW84QQ58c6c1H-DODT3kGMZfYLEoeYV0JA8fewoBvlrd56WlqLS8ppnCBSE_by3RDYRXC26ruI7KI$>). Room capacity is limited so make sure to join our club and fill out the form ASAP!



Biology Advising
University of Washington, BOX 355320
318 Hitchcock Hall

Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting https://washington.zoom.us/j/97207369544

Advising Sessions via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person advising available by appointment only.

Please include your name and student number in your emails.
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