[Biostudent] WIN 2024 Class Notes

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Nov 7 16:38:18 PST 2023

So we still have plenty of classes that have spots, please check your catalogs to make sure you have the correct pre-reqs.

MCD electives

BIOL 401 - Advanced Cell Biology

BIOL 404 - Animal Phys - Cellular aspects

BIOL 407 - Molecular Cell Biology of Neural Stem Cells

BIOL 436 - Parasite Biology - Overlaps with lecture and quiz are allowed for this particular class

Phys Electives

BIOL 404 - Animal Phys - Cellular aspects - Counts as a Phys class

BIOL 421 -Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology of Animals- Ever wonder about how physiology shapes and is shaped by responses to environmental conditions such as heat waves and droughts? Join us in investigating the role of physiology in the ecology and evolution of animals, particularly in the context of environmental change. We will explore exchanges of heat, water, and energy between animals and their environment. We will investigate how these exchanges challenge physiological systems and drive evolutionary innovations. Specific topics will include heat and mass transfer and energy budgets; approaches to maintaining homeostasis and avoiding stress in physiological challenging environments; and physiological acclimation and adaptation. Labs will entrail experimentally probing organismal thermal responses and answering your own research questions by analyzing existing physiological data sets. Coutns as a Phys class and lab

BIOL 465 - Comparative Endocrinology - Counts as a Phys Class

EEC Electives

BIOL 406 - Conservation of Large Vertebrates - Counts as a Cons electives

BIOL 421 -Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology of Animals - Counts as either a ECOL or EVOL requirement

We have two special topic classes, which will not show on your DARS until after the first week of classes

BIOL 496A Exercise Physiology lecture and lab - Human physiology with a focus on exercise physiology. You will have the opportunity for exercise related experimental design in the lab portion.

This will count toward electives and 2nd lab in MCD, and area 4 in GEN or Breadth in EEC.
It will count as a Physio class and lab in Animal and Plant Physio.

You must have BIOL 220, and 350 is highly recommended

BIOL 497A Biology by the Numbers - Quantitative reasoning and order-of-magnitude to frame precise biological questions in quantitative terms. We will consider a wide range of biological systems, from molecules to ecosystems.

Can count as an elective in any track.

Biology Advising
University of Washington, BOX 355320
318 Hitchcock Hall

Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting https://washington.zoom.us/j/97207369544

Advising Sessions via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person advising available by appointment only.

Please include your name and student number in your emails.
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