[Biostudent] Upcoming Student Entrepreneurship Events + Academic Opportunities

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 9 13:51:02 PDT 2023

Upcoming Student Entrepreneurship Events + Academic Opportunities


Advisers 2-Week ENTRE Digest | October 5, 2023

Advisers, please share the following with your students. Thank you!

Register for Fall: Two unique 2-credit classes
Open to all Undergraduate & Graduate students from any department. No experience necessary.

Environmental Innovation Practicum (2 credits, credit/no-credit) | Tuesdays | 4 to 5:50 pm<https://www.washington.edu/students/timeschd/AUT2023/entre.html>
Jointly-listed: ENTRE 443/543, ENGR 498A, ENVIR 495
Students are ready to be part of climate action. In this course, students experience how to create green innovations, and where innovations are needed, by learning from leading thinkers and entrepreneurs developing solutions. Questions? E-mail Lauren Brohawn: brohal at uw.edu<mailto:brohal at uw.edu>

Health Innovation Practicum (2 credits, credit/no-credit) | Thursdays | 5 to 6:50 pm<https://www.washington.edu/students/timeschd/AUT2023/entre.html>
Cross-listed: ENTRE 445 / 545 A/B
Top health and healthcare-related professionals will speak and coach students in this class while showcasing Seattle-based innovations in health. Students will form inter-disciplinary teams around project concepts chosen by the class. Questions? E-mail Jessica Roberto: jlb42 at uw.edu<mailto:jlb42 at uw.edu>

Attend: Students & Startups: Team Tuesday Meetups
Tuesdays, October 10, 17, 24, 31 | 12:00 - 1:30 pm PDT (come any time)
Locations vary, check registration page for details.

Calling all student innovators and changemakers! Grab some lunch with the Buerk Center on one or more Tuesdays in October to connect with other students from disciplines across campus who are interested in solving problems through innovation and ideation. This is a great chance to share skills and interests on the way to forming a team for one of the Buerk Center competitions!

Open to all registered UW students | Register Now<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/discover/events?is_global=2&tags=teamtuesdays__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ltaT1sCuqZyRv18dJV5pMZB4hEeN1rDh6bIhNISM-Kcpq4UnU4oKh1xph7v1vH_relTsmSDV4hszg9GXYZ4THg$>

Attend: Entrepreneurial Women in Population Health
Wednesday, October 11, 11:30 - 1 pm / Hans Rosling Center, Room 101
The brand new Women in Entrepreneurial Leadership program from the Buerk Center<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8PPBpyCUPku4xCmch6s27seQiM9m71j-MWoKVhzr8dt8i5IGcrU5HlKscEOOMNSx6mQ=> invites you to join us for the first event of the school year<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8HPN3Y-n06uVArH5n03YvtsPUZHWkZlCD0__1_JHTxT-hiQt5-7nW5OEDSgBzIM3Bgs=> on Wednesday, October 11. This event is in partnership with Population Health and features a panel of entrepreneurial women whose work is helping make our community healthier. The panel features Mariza Hardin<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8JI8f8OHlwxK3GAVFTVB5MQyxv-B14rLmal8PTsGb_ooC1Q6CVgb50ZKJTrRv9mxedw=>, Co-Founder & COO of Zócalo, Sravanthi Parasa<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8I0uHtsR5d5PnFt0D2Dq6Couawve_GoeQiNt0Q1TbSPNpGRJj3bRQoUlNyPlrpJuZ0o=> MD MPH, Gastroenterologist at Swedish, Emily Pesce<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8I6GCtYCwMCFT-ihA-cQOV8Ct-uZIOPcchv5tG4Uv1ocPRTDixapnFmKayR3WySCINQ=>, CEO of Joon, and Elise Rasmussen<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8DZyPkyBZLKcxf6_Frbx3xojV6rchOqtAsPbvJXSZBm2-QBNXtnJPejxb0LulmO0ZVM=>, Climate & Environmental Justice Associate for the City of Seattle. Questions? Contact Winona Kantamaneni at wrennick at uw.edu<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8NddabBDD4y1aW5KcDfbYKEh4BcA28ZL1scfH_QaLm27JAo8LuLVmob19t3FIQMUXt4=>.

Open to all registered UW students | Register Now<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGOkTBK8HPN3Y-n06uVArH5n03YvtsPUZHWkZlCD0__1_JHTxT-hiQt5-7nW5OEDSgBzIM3Bgs=>

Apply: The Lavin Entrepreneurship Program
Open to all undergraduate students - all majors.
Do you dream of creating your own startup? Aspire to launch a business, disrupt a market or change the world with your big idea? If so, you need to be part of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Program! The Lavin Program is a highly-competitive program for undergraduate entrepreneurs from all majors and disciplines across campus. Only the brightest, most passionate, and driven students are accepted into the program each year. By combining curriculum with hands-on learning, students gain the experience, skills, and know-how to succeed in their future business ventures. Application deadline: October 22. Apply here: lavin.washington.edu<https://foster.uw.edu/centers/buerk-ctr-entrepreneurship/undergraduate-entrepreneurship/lavin-entrepreneurship-program/>

Apply: Entrepreneurship Minor (non-business majors)
Open to all non-business majors. Pre-reqs: ECON 200, ACCTG 219
Entrepreneurs come from every discipline. They are adept at turning novel ideas into reality and are not afraid of challenging the status quo or tackling the big problems in society and science. But the truth is that it takes more than an idea to be successful: it takes the knowledge, experience, and network of a smart leader. Students who pursue the Entrepreneurship Minor are creative and energetic, with a critical eye for opportunities and the passion and skill to follow through. Application deadline: October 25
Learn more: startup.uw.edu/undergraduate-entrepreneurship-curriculum/<http://foster.uw.edu/centers/buerk-ctr-entrepreneurship/undergraduate-entrepreneurship-curriculum/>

Apply: Entrepreneurship Certificate (non-MBA graduate students)
Open to all non-MBA graduate and PhD students.
The Buerk Center's Technology Entrepreneurship Certificate prepares University of Washington graduate and PhD students for the world of start-ups and new technology enterprises. Our emphasis on cross-campus involvement means you'll take entrepreneurship courses alongside students from other disciplines, work with UW inventors on their market-ready applications, and have the opportunity to apply for fellowships in UW technology ventures or local angel funds. Certificate students, whose disciplines range from engineering and architecture to drama and medicine, take classes, gain real-world experience, and network with the region's most innovative entrepreneurs. Working together, students bring ideas to life. Rolling admissions.
Learn more: startup.uw.edu/entrepreneurship-certificate/<http://foster.uw.edu/centers/buerk-ctr-entrepreneurship/entrepreneurship-certificate/>

Lauren Brohawn | Associate Director
Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge<http://www.foster.washington.edu/centers/entrepreneurship/eic/Pages/eic.aspx>
University of Washington | Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
brohal at uw.edu<mailto:brohal at uw.edu> | startup.uw.edu

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