[Biostudent] Info Session about the Global and Regional Studies major in the Jackson School of International Studies

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 16 13:58:12 PDT 2023

A friendly reminder that the Jackson School is hosting an info session about the Global and Regional Studies major (an open major) on Wed, Oct 18th at 2:30pm in THO 317. All UW students who have an interest in foreign relations, international studies, and/or foreign languages, may find that Global and Regional Studies is a perfect fit as a major or double major (we also offer minors in international studies; something for everyone)

Day: Wednesday
Date: October 18, 2023
Place: THO 317
Time: 2:30pm-3:30pm
Topic: The Global and Regional Studies major in the Jackson School of International Studies

Question: Why consider a major or a double major in Global and Regional Studies?
Answer: The GLBRS major equips students with the classroom-to-career skills (including writing and foreign languages) and disciplinary tools needed to analyze global and regional issues and challenges. Students choose from thematic and regional concentrations to shape their course of study. The program's capstone experience provides students with a bridge between their academic and professional pursuits, either by policy reports or recommendations that are evaluated by external policy experts or by deepening their research an publication skills. There is something for everyone in the Jackson School. Join us!

Warm regards,
JSIS Advisors | Joni Marts | jmarts at uw.edu<mailto:jmarts at uw.edu> | Sabrina Tatta | sabri at uw.edu<mailto:sabri at uw.edu>
The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies<https://jsis.washington.edu/?_gl=1*vjopg7*_ga*ODEzNzE3MDAwLjE2NDE4NDQxNjg.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTY5NzIxMDA2OC41OTMuMS4xNjk3MjE1MTY0LjAuMC4w*_ga_JLHM9WH4JV*MTY5NzIxMDA2OC41OTIuMS4xNjk3MjE1MTY0LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.179366372.1305773720.1697210068-813717000.1641844168>

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