[Biostudent] Two Let's Talk sessions this week

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 16 13:18:40 PDT 2023

The Counseling Center is adding two special virtual Let's Talk sessions this week especially for students impacted by the devastating news from Palestine, Israel, and neighboring impacted countries. Like other Let's Talk sessions, these are drop-in individual sessions. Once on Zoom, students will enter a waiting room and be connected to a counselor for next steps.
Tuesday 10/17, 10am - noon | Zoom link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/92493224929?pwd=K3NBSFozamtoSjNGZXYzcjRTMlRwUT09__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nNdCrt3RR6uABZgjlA_slg7L1MkOCR_xXmO8RrZWfOSLaR4IxSio07x0XxZ5bviT1VDpw9WUeqRpDylTCD__7LI$>
Thursday 10/19, 3pm - 5pm | Zoom link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/94861802533?pwd=ai9qWE1qNkY5SUdLSHNHYWRRemFzZz09__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nNdCrt3RR6uABZgjlA_slg7L1MkOCR_xXmO8RrZWfOSLaR4IxSio07x0XxZ5bviT1VDpw9WUeqRpDylT-YjQmlY$>

[A red and green logo of two conversation boxes joined together. Red text in between them reads: LET'S TALK.]
Natacha Foo Kune, Ph.D.
Pronouns: she, her, hers
University of Washington Counseling Center
401 Schmitz, 1410 NE Campus Pkwy
Box 355830
Seattle, WA 98195-5830
Phone: 206-543-1240 Fax: 206-616-6910
fookune at uw.edu<mailto:fookune at uw.edu>

[cid:image001.png at 01DA0023.D9EFAEB0]

To protect the confidentiality of our clients, Counseling Center staff discourage discussion of personal information by e-mail. E-mail is not a secure form of communication, and may reach unintended audiences through forwarding, address errors, or disclosure as public records. Clients are urged to contact us by phone or via the secure client portal at http://uwccportal.pointandclick.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/uwccportal.pointandclick.com__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hsA3WfUq6PajjnGg1d-NOXVf1ksMu-qNVMS3-YZm3BxcZlQTTZpy7jgjNbfXpw_i0csuoZy8h3QHQhsh$>. Messages are checked intermittently during business hours. For urgent concerns, contact Husky HelpLine at 206-616-7777 or the National Crisis LIfeline at 988.

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